Please go to our homepage for major policy updates. And most importantly, please follow us on Facebook for the latest news and updates related to DHAL’s COVID-19 response.
DHAL’s COVID-19 News and Updates:
CDC Guidelines for COVID-19 Symptoms
CDC Presymptomatic / Asymptomatic Transmission of COVID-19
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
What do you do if you start exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms?
The CDC is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the United States.
KHCA/KCAL is the Kansas Assisted Living Association representing ALFs throughout the state of Kansas.
The Mayo Clinic is a world leader in healthcare research and care.
The WHO is the world’s collaborative healthcare organization dedicated to providing better healthcare to all humans on the planet.
DHAL’s COVID-19 Response Timeline
March 11, 2020 — Policy communicated to staff: Only “medically necessary” individuals can enter the building, which includes DHAL staff and medical resources. Any potential exceptions must receive prior approval from either Jeremy Whitt or Jennifer Reutlinger. The definition of “medically necessary” was not clearly defined by the CDC, so DHAL policy is for Jeremy Whitt or Jennifer Reutlinger to make a judgement call when not obvious.
March 9, 2020 — DHAL Management and Nursing Admin Team meet to discuss and develop our COVID-19 Response.
March 10, 2020 — Major bulk-buying PPE procurement program started.
March 11, 2020 — Thorough entry screening process implemented.
March 12, 2020 — All meetings with vendors or 3rd-parties moved to phone, Zoom, or other non-in-person methods.
March 13, 2020 — New visitor restrictions published on the DHAL Facebook page.
March 13, 2020 — New visitor restrictions published on the website.
March 14, 2020 — No communal dining policy starts. Meals only delivered to residents rooms.
March 14 — No group activities. Door-to-Door in-room activities provided.
March 15 – Social distancing, no congregating, and no handshaking policies implemented.
March 18 – Mobile FaceTime service started that allows residents or families to schedule FREE video conferencing visits with their loved ones.
March 23 – Residents who do leave the property for any reasons are subject to a mandatory 14-day “Isolation-Protocol” quarantine upon their return, starting from being dropped off at the curb in front of DHAL.
March 30 – Paused all new admissions processing.
April 4 – Communicated to staff supervisors and current prospective tenants that we are pausing new admissions indefinitely.
April 1 — Increased staff self-quarantine from 10 days to 14 days of symptom free before return to work.
April 3 — Suspended all new admits indefinitel
April 4 — All residents asked to comply with both CDC and WyCo orders to shelter-in-place (inside their apartments)
April 4 — All staff and any visitors required to wear proper PPE, including an N95 face mask
April 7 — Anyone entering the building must desensitize their shoe soles by stepping in a tub with anti-viral solution, just before entering the building
April 13 – Numerous infection control mitigation protocols and routine tasks being done such as multiple-times-per-day symptoms and temperature checks of all residents, sanitizing of high-touch surfaces, etc.
April 16 — All residents required to wear face masks when outside their homes and anytime they are interacting with staff inside their homes.
April 16 — Access to residents limited to only Nursing staff, including delivery of meals. Housekeeping and Maintenance utilize isolation protocols whereby the resident isolates themselves in either the bathroom or bedroom while the staff member conducts their job in the rest of the apartment.
April 16 — All residents are given N95 masks in their apartments and must put the mask on before nurses can deliver care
April 16 — For any unoccupied high-risk units, starting of a 14-day decontamination protocol with negative pressure fans, followed by comprehensive professional disinfecting service.
April 19 — DHAL formally becomes a non-smoking property due to elevated virus susceptibility, risk factors, and general health factors.
April 20 — Formation of an “Isolation Team” of nurses dedicated to caring for precautionary isolation and positive tested residents
April 21 — Comprehensive testing of all residents and staff conducted.
April 21 — DHAL becomes one of the first healthcare communities in the KC Metro do conduct comprehensive resident and staff testing (Comprehensive Testing #1).
April 27 — Installed clear plastic screens over the top half of each resident’s door as an airborne particle barrier.
May 4 – DHAL completes second round of comprehensive resident and staff testing (Comprehensive Testing #2).
May 20 – DHAL completes third round of comprehensive resident and staff testing (Comprehensive Testing #3).
May 26 – DHAL’s physical separation “Visitors Station” opens allowing family members to visit their loved ones face-to-face while being separated by a glass window and communicating via a mic and speaker PA system.
June 6 – DHAL pilots a “Companion Pets” program providing loving animated robotic pets for a few residents requesting or needing companionship. (UPDATE: This pilot program was so successful, DHAL expanded it to any residents seeking companionship.)
July 7 — DHAL Staff, anyone traveling to any COVID-19 “hot spot” must notify your Supervisor or Management in writing prior to travel for approval. Any return from a hot spot is mandatory self-quarantine for at least 14-days. And after that, you must test negative at least twice in a row. Any unauthorized travel to any hot spot is grounds for Administrative Suspension and potentially more advanced consequences, including potential termination.
July 13 — DHAL adopts updated COVID Infection Control Policies based on the Gerti policy templates.
July 16 — Another round of comprehensive residents and staff testing.
June 17 — DHAL previously self-reported COVID-19 infections to KDHE and starting today, due to the flood of reported cases to the State, DHAL began using with the new COVID-19 staff and resident cases reporting system, per the newly released requirements.
Aug 17 — In an enhancement to DHAL’s existing face-covering policy, now all DHAL staff and vendors must wear DOUBLE masks (2 masks) covering the nose and mouth at all times inside the building and anytime interacting with other staff or residents outside the building. Any eating or drinking by staff must be done by yourself, isolated outside or offsite, in order to comply with this new strict face-covering policy. Also, all staff must wear either a face shield or eye goggles at all times while in the building. Also, all staff and vendors must sanitize or wash their hands at least once an hour.
Aug 18 — Another round of comprehensive residents and staff testing.
Aug 28 — Reverting back to the single face-mask policy inside the building. All other new or enhanced infection control mitigation policies remain.
Sep 9 – Another round of comprehensive residents and staff testing.
Sep 21 — Weekly testing of all staff starts.
Sep 28 — Policy Adjustment: Up to 2 family members can assist with new resident move-ins in the building. All other family members must remain outside of the building during move-ins. The 2 family members who will be assisting in the building must have a negative test result within 72-hours of the move-in date. DHAL can provide the test, if they don’t have other options. They still must wear a face shield and 2 masks, one of which must be N95 or better. DHAL can provide face shields and masks. Staff must limit their exposure to the family members while in the building and must be given advance notice. Move-in must be completed within an 8-hour block of time or less on the move-in date.
Nov 9 – All staff are now being tested twice a week, per guidance due to elevated WyCo infection rates.
Nov 18 — Indefinite ban on all 3rd-party meetings inside the building, with exception of DHAL staff, medically-essential professionals and emergency workers. And all meetings inside DHAL must be no more than 5 total people. All other meetings and 3rd-parties must meet outside, still in groups no larger than 5 total, or via any form of remote audio/video conference calling, such as phone or Zoom.